What are your being right now? Your spiritual growth tells you that you are always in a state of being. Spirituality information about beingness allows us to use the law of attraction to "be" what we truly desire. Who you are being is always a choice. It is always your choice and yours alone.
Only you can be the example that we know of as you. What are you "being?" Is the example you display to the world in alignment with your highest vision of yourself? Are the words you speak words of love and compassion and understanding spoken through conscious evaluation of our thoughts and in alignment with who you choose to be?
When you use the great command "I am" you call forth creative power that will propel your chosen evolution forward in a powerful manner. Whether you declare that "I am stupid" or "I am wisdom" makes no difference to the universe. Are you beginning to see how powerful your words really are?
The universe doesn't judge your choices. It merely hears your intentions and desires through your thoughts and then emphasized through your words and then acted out through your deeds, then mirrors what you desire into your reality. Remember, be the change that you wish to see because that is what will be. The life you are living right now is a total reflection of what you are being. How could it be otherwise?
You are living right now, and always have been living, in the present moment of now. Your past experiences are gone and the future is yet to be. There is only the present moment of now.
Who you are being "right now" is who you are. You can change that beingness in the next moment of now if you so desire. You merely choose who you desire to "be" and then you "be it." This isn't magic or rocket science. This is the reality of the process of life and this absolutely magnificent and wondrous tool we all possess called "choice."
Each choice is preceded by a thought and given power and impetus by our words. Our words are the commerce we use as we negotiate our way through this episode of our eternal life journey.
Words have the power to grease the wheels and smooth out the journey or they can cause heat and friction and overheat our "bearings" making us slow down and stop for repairs. Sometimes it is really hard to get out of the repair shop. Especially when you are living so unconsciously that you don't even realize that you have stopped.
But if you are reading this article, then I am confident (did you catch that "I am"?) that you are awake and aware that you are on this fantastic journey of this process we call Life. Because this is so, I want to talk to you about developing a "state of beingness" that will allow all the powerful words that you speak and write to be words that help create the vision that you aspire to.
This "state of being" that I want you to adopt as your second nature is to live wholly within an "attitude of gratitude."
This is a critical concept no matter where you are on the evolutionary wheel but I want to emphasis it here because this article is concerned with our words and how those words have the power of creation that can take us to where we want to go.
Words of gratitude will keep the evolutionary process moving at maximum efficiency. You see, when you speak words of gratitude you are placing yourself in a state of acceptance and love. Acceptance for "what is" and a love of the beneficent nature of the universe that provided whatever it is to you.
You are acknowledging your power as a creator and giving thanks to your co-creative partner in this giant collaboration, God.
Now, here is the key. Not only should you be verbally thankful for what already "is," but you should also declare through your written and spoken words your gratitude for what is yet to be.
By Richard Blackstone
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